Pizza “Hawaiian”

Buy Hawaiian pizza with delivery in Dnipro

You can buy Hawaiian pizza with delivery in the Dnieper in the online store of ready-made meals and products “Musketeer Market”.

Haven’t you been to Hawaii? Then perhaps you were in Canada? Indeed, in fact, Hawaiian pizza was created in Canada, and the name of the pizza was determined thanks to the brand of canned pineapples, which the creator used in the first pizza. Did not know?
By the way, our Hawaiian pizza has an exquisite combination of farm chicken fillet and pineapple. But farm chicken is not the only advantage of our Hawaiian pizza!
We use our own Mozzarella cheese, which was developed by the technologists of TM Musketeer. Mozzarella is made only with farm milk!
The pizza has a fragrant campfire haze, because it is cooked in a real Italian Pompeian oven!
The signature dough that stays juicy when baked and is crispy on top, farm chicken, homemade Mozzarella cheese and Pompeian oven will make your Hawaiian pizza unique!

If pizza beckons you, Musketeer will treat you!
For Hawaiian pizza only at Musketeer Market!


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